Yoga, tailored to you:

Balance + Strength+ Awareness


Agile Body + Breath + Mind

  • "Body changing and life changing as only 24 hours has reaped rewards after the two sessions I did with you, thus far. (barb here) I have more mobility and flexibility after those two sessions and my balance was even better when I went to the paddock. The ground is very uneven, but I felt solid the whole time. Thank you! Also, your comments about how our bodies work is crucial to me understanding the yoga practice as a whole. Very important and empowering at the same time."

    ~Barbara, after a yoga retreat

Item 1 of 4

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What People Are Saying


“Christine's class is so healing. I felt better in body and spirit after this class.” ~Jennifer Ann

Morning class is amazing. It is a little effort to get myself on the mat at 8 AM but within 2 minutes I know I have made the right decision. Thanks Christine!”


“Good morning Miracle Worker!

I just had to update you on how great I am feeling!  I don't want to sound like a crazy person, but I just can't believe it! Yesterday I woke up with 0 pain....unheard of!  I couldn't believe it!  It lasted for a couple hours, then there was intermittent … pain, but still so much better than usual.  Plus, you have given me some great tools to diminish the pain so I can have a decent day!”

— Dr. Mary in Nebraska

“Christine is wonderful, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to work with. I am so fortunate and happy to have been referred to her studio. If I had any hesitation (I did, yoga being new for me), it's completely gone. I'm excited to learn and practice with Christine's guidance.”

- Patricia

“I have seen an improvement in my flexibility and balance on weekly basis.  Enjoy small class size the instructor is very flexible with her time  and assures positions/postures are correct.”

~Lynda in Colorado, first time yoga student

"The most awesome way to maintain flexibility and mobility and beat stress!" 

- Jenny

“Today's class was challenging but amazing. I like that there are always modifications to meet an individual's level. Strongly recommend Badlands Yoga for anyone.”

- Virginia

"I started yoga with a general goal to become healthier. I have achieved so much more that translates to my everyday life. It doesn’t hurt that I notice gains in balance and strength almost every week.” ~Dianna, dedicated private student

— Dr. Dianna, Texas

“Excellent early morning energizing class! Got me ready for the day.”

- Brian

“They say yoga is for everybody, and it really is at Badlands Yoga. The instructors welcome all body types and levels of fitness (or non -fitness, my personal starting point). You can attend private or group classes online, and either way, the class is adapted for what works for you today. Teachers modify the postures and you get encouragement and support for every small step you take.”

— Toni, YogaGuide in New Mexico

  • Side Angle Yoga Pose in the foothills of Albuquerque, Stan Lei, Photographer

    Christine Stump E-RYT 500, YACEP, BA


    Guiding yoga and movement practices since 2005, practicing since 1971. Writer, creator of the Foundations of Healing Yoga, elucidating 6 scientifically investigated ways yoga facilitates healing in your body-mind. Christine practices yoga because it makes her human suit fit better, her attention clearer and more focused and her actions more congruent with who she wants to be. She teaches yoga because if you’ve found the user guide to the human experience, you should share it - and the everyday miracles she gets to witness for her clients never fail to remind her what’s good.

  • Jeana in Tree Prep with light

    Jeana Thomas, RYT

    Jeana is a healing YogaGuide, Mindful Mother, a compassionate Nurse, and a true adventurer. Her yoga practice is a touchstone for peace and vitality in her full life. Living each moment in the present-light hearted and carefree! Jeana is also a Usui HolyFire, Karuna, World Peace Reiki Master/Teacher since 2019. Being of service to others by promoting happiness, health, and creative growth in all aspects of life for EVERY body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve never done yoga before! What should I wear? A: Wear comfortable clothes that don’t bind and move with you. Wear pants with an elastic waist instead of a button or zipper. Wear pants that are long enough for freedom of movement - like longer shorts.

Q: Do I go barefoot in the yoga studio? A: Yes! The way your foot presses into the ground differently in various poses will strengthen your feet, ankles, knees and even affect your low back and hips. In addition, your teacher will be able to “read” various muscular activation patterns from your feet and cue engagement from the ground up.

Q: What equipment do I need? A: The basic yoga kit is a yoga mat, 2 blocks, a strap and blanket.

Q: What size blocks? A: Great question! Standard yoga blocks are rectangular and come in 3” or 4” widths. Most people benefit from the 4” blocks. If you are shorter than 5’ tall, the 3” blocks may be for you.

Q: What should my blocks be made from? A: Standard yoga blocks come in what I call “composite” or “foam” or natural materials such as cork and wood. The composite blocks aren’t eco-friendly, though their softer edges are much beloved - and they’re lower cost. The bamboo, cork and other wood blocks cost a bit more and are less forgiving when used in a yin pose to lay on. Which kind you choose is up to you.

Q: Will any blanket be fine? A: Any blanket is good in a pinch! The standard “yoga blanket” will reliably fold into a rectangle just right for sitting, padding and refolding in standard ways and that’s why they’re so popular.

Q: Where should I get my yoga kit? Wherever you like to shop! My favorite online provider is They always have great options at every price point, give a great balance of quality and investment and customer service is great. Woman and American owned! You can also find yoga props at sporting good stores, Target and other big box stores and some studios will carry them, though these are usually the most expensive. Manduka is a top notch brand if you’re looking for longevity. Jade and Prana make good eco-friendly mats. We receive no consideration for these mentions, just the knowledge that we’re sending you to a really good place.